Sunday, April 4, 2010

Answer to meet and greet Farah

“What is uttered from the heart alone, Will win the hearts of others to your own.”

I am overwhelmed and touched by all the love and positivity you tweeps surround me with each day. I have enjoyed meeting some of you and would love to meet some more of you and since there are so many of you. So lets see how well you know me. :) The ones who answer the following ten questionnaire correctly will win a chance to meet me and we can spend some time getting to know each other ...

To participate in Meet Farah Quiz, click on the link below or
visit :

Comment section on this Post has been closed and participation is only through above link.

1. I best describe myself in one word as

a. Feisty
b. Caring
c. Blunt
d. Naughty

2. My favorite Gemstone is
a. Ruby
b. Diamond
c. Sapphire
d. Emerald

3. If I was not a jewelery designer I would have been
a. Photographer
b. Professional Diver
c. Jazz ballet dancer
d. Air force pilot

4. My favourite city in the world is
a. New York
b. Venice
c. Paris
d. London

5. I met my husband Aqeel Ali in a
a. Night club
b. Pvt Party
c. Friends House
d. Movie theater

6. My ex boyfriends name began with the initial
a. D
b. A
c. J
d. S

7. My son Azaan was born
a. after 2 yrs of my marriage
b. after 3 years of my marriage
c. after 4 years of my marriage
d. after 1 year of my marriage

8. My mothers maiden name was
a. Dungor
b. Katrak
c. Irani
d. Zorabian

9. If put in a tight situation I would be
a. blunt
b. diplomatic
c. wiggle my way out
d. enjoy the moment till it lasts

10. One word that is most important to me

Friends, lastly please tell me why do you want to meet me and how would you best describe yourself in 3 sentences max.

All the best friends. I will be selecting top 10 from all the Contestants. Please don't forget to add your twitter id and real name for further communication.

Love you all

- Farah

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Friday, April 2, 2010

Wake up ! Stand Up ! Lets fight together against Child sexual abuse

They say there is nothing more peaceful than having a child fall asleep in your arms. Being a mom, I can vouch for that. A child, the closest that one can reach the divine on earth, the innocence, the wonder at everything that is around. A child that we as parents bring into this earth with so many dreams, with so much of love. A child who can melt the hardest of hearts . A child in whose eyes we see complete trust for people, adults to whom he looks up. The very adults, some of whom abuse that trust and very inhumanely abuse the child, crushing that tender flower forever.

Child abuse, a word that every parent dreads. Its scary to read the papers when they report the increasing instances of child abuse in our country. Children who are younger and even infants are not spared by these inhumane sorry excuses of human beings. 

Most often, the abuser is someone who the child trusts, a family member, family friend or neighbors. The case of the 12 year old child who was brutally gang raped by her 22 year old cousin and 8 neighbours including an 71 year old man for 2 consecutive years is horrifying and fresh in everyone's minds but there are so many cases that go unnoticed and unreported in our country.

A victim of child abuse is forever scarred for life. The emotional trauma and psychological effects of the abuse is not something that will go away and the person who grows up with this kind of a horrible experience never really recovers to lead a normal life. They may grow up to become offenders themselves or may isolate themselves from the society as they have lost their innocence & that basic trust in human nature. They may grow up with so much of anger, towards the society, towards their circumstances and as we all know anger can only create more violence.

So what are we as a society, as parents of the generations to come, doing to put an end to all this? In a country where the legal system is not too strict about punishing such offenders, its no wonder that people don't report child abuses. It is the duty of each one of us to protect our future generations from the clutches of these sick humans. We have to fight for tougher laws to punish these offenders so that the crime rate reduces. Stricter laws and more vigilance to keep our children from harm. Instant Death penalty or Capital Punishment for the offender so that anyone who thinks of harming an innocent young mind thinks 10 times before he/she actually attempts it.

The time has come to ACT now and raise our voices before another child is harmed and becomes another newspaper report in a paper tomorrow. As a parent and as a concerned citizen I feel as a collective voice maybe we can make that difference so that the world is safer place for our children to grow for they are our future generation. Join Me my giving me your support as I take on this long and arduous journey to punish the perpetrators who scar the innocent minds of our children forever....

We will WIN even if it takes time...the journey of a 1000 miles begins with the first step... Together we shall change the system... Please Vote in favour of Capital Punishment and Death for people who rape children and minors...

- Farah

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